Adopted by President’s Cabinet 3/26/19

East Georgia State College staff (non-faculty) employees are required to participate in the retirement system provided for its employees by the University 佐治亚系统. The Teachers Retirement 佐治亚系统 was established by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia and placed under the management of a Board of 受托人 for the purpose of providing retirement allowances for teachers in Georgia.

As a condition of 就业, all regular employees who work half time (20 hours) or more, and are otherwise qualified, are required to be members of the Teachers Retirement 佐治亚系统. Membership is waived for any individual who has attained age sixty and first became a member on or after July 1, 1987 – or for persons attaining age sixty who have previously withdrawn employee contributions from TRS and again entered the profession on or after July 1, 1987.

The membership contribution rate is a percent of gross salary paid; please contact the Chief Human Resources Officer for current contribution rates. In addition to this contribution, the college also contributes to the system on the employee’s behalf. All employee contributions to the Teachers Retirement System are tax deferred. 员工 will be responsible for full tax liability at any time the contributions are refunded due to IRS regulations.

Retirement benefits from the Teachers Retirement System become available after completion of thirty years of service, regardless of age, or after completing ten years of creditable service and attainment of age sixty. Some provisions are available for early retirement with specific penalties. Disability retirement is available in certain circumstances in accordance with TRS policies.

员工 transferring to another institution of the university system or a public school in the state of Georgia with no break in service time will transfer their creditable service time and contributions paid to that school. Teachers Retirement System regulations and provisions are available in the Human Resources Office. Vested members of the 员工 Retirement 佐治亚系统 transferring to East Georgia State College will have the option of continuing their membership and contributions to ERS.

When employees retire from the Teachers Retirement System, they have the opportunity to pursue other 就业 after retirement. However, the resumption of 就业 could have a profound effect on the retirement status with TRS. 员工 are encouraged to become knowledgeable of the TRS laws and policies before accepting after retirement 就业.